



Emergent Ventures

Good news… I’m officially an Emergent Ventures fellow! 

With support from Tyler Cowen, I’ve received a grant from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University to support my work in social media and take the North Star Podcast to the next level. 

What is Emergent Ventures?

“The Mercatus Center at George Mason University announced the launch of Emergent Ventures, an incubator fellowship and grant program for social entrepreneurs with highly scalable ideas for meaningfully improving society.

Launched with a $1 million grant from the Thiel Foundation, Emergent Ventures will provide fellowships to social entrepreneurs to test and advance highly scalable “zero to one” ideas that advance social change, prosperity, and well-being.”

What’s the goal of Emergent Ventures?

“We want to jumpstart high-reward ideas—moonshots in many cases—that advance prosperity, opportunity, liberty, and well-being. We welcome the unusual and the unorthodox.

Our goal is positive social change, but we do not mind if you make a profit from your project. (Indeed, a quick path to revenue self-sufficiency is a feature not a bug!)

Projects will either be fellowships or grants: fellowships involve time in residence at the Mercatus Center in Northern Virginia; grants are one-time or slightly staggered payments to support a project.

We encourage you to think big, but we also will consider very small grants or short fellowships if they might change the trajectory of your life. We encourage applications from all ages and all parts of the world.”

Who is Tyler Cowen?

Tyler Cowen is one of my favorite writers. He’s written 16 books, many columns for Bloomberg, and writes an excellent blog called Marginal Revolution

As a grant recipient, I’m working directly with Tyler to improve my existing work and brainstorm additional projects. I’m grateful for this support and with guidance from the Mercatus Center, I look forward to developing my craft.